Have you ever had to participate in naming a baby? Parents naturally know the vast importance of a name. Have you ever met a mom-to-be that didn’t fret over what she was going to call her child? She certainly has good reason to spend so much time coming up with the perfect name for Junior. After all, good and bad names can be forever. It’s too bad many entrepreneurs don’t spend as much time thinking through the name they will use for their business.
People naming businesses don’t always understand the ramifications of picking the perfect name. Where parents spend countless hours and even sleepless nights picking their child’s name, a business may be named in a few short minutes.
Comparing the two name choosing processes can lead to better business and product names. A business name, just like a person’s name, sets the tone of the business. When choosing names you should limit the number of people involved in the process. You should also strive to find a name that is recognizable but unique while avoiding far-out, unpronounceable combinations. Like all good marketing endeavors, the rules of picking names, even my rules, are made...