Napoleon Hill made more millionaires over his lifetime than anyone who came before him…even more than Andrew Carnegie.
His book, ‘Think and Grow Rich’ even today influences the minds of people all around the world.
But how did Dr. Hill become so tremendous? So outrageously successful? At a very early age, he understood a very important success principle.
‘Billionaire’ Dan Pena over in Scotland also understands this very same success principle.
Most people say they want financial fr.eedom…a nicer home, another car, to travel more, to be able to make your own hours.
We see Dan Pena’s obscenely beautiful castle and comment, ‘I want that too.’
But Dan is quick to tell you about all the years of hard work and sacrifice he put in which made that castle his own.
And it took Napoleon Hill all but 3 seconds to tell Andrew Carnegie he was willing to work the next 20 years for him without any sort of pay or compensation in order to succeed.
So in light of what these two great men have accomplished, answer this for me:
What are YOU willing to pay for your financial...