Before an intervention is called, I will go ahead and openly admit that I have a problem. I am addicted to over the counter nasal spray. Not because I have a killer sinus problem but because every time I fall off the wagon, the congestion returns with vengeance, blocking my nasal passages, stifling my sleep, and overall, decreasing my quality of life.
Summarizing from last weeks Grey’s Anatomy, the medical term of my condition is Rhinitis Medicamentosa. This is quite different from Allergic Rhinitis for the onset of the condition is the continuous usage of OTC nasal sprays, as opposed to AR, which is a blockage of the nasal passage due to a common allergen. Most of OTC nasal sprays come in one of two different flavors; Oxymetazoline and Phenylepherine. Oxymetazoline is the most common active ingredient (as found in Afrin) while Phenylepherine comes in second (as found in 4-Way Nasal Spray).
My troubles started back in early May. I had begun an intensive weight training program and had been making good progress towards eliminating body fat while gaining muscle and strength. But coupled with my intense workouts, a tight schedule at work, a flurry of...