Nation Branding and Place Marketing – I. The Marketing Plan
In the decades since World War II, economics prowess replaced military power as the crucial geopolitical determinant. The resilience of a country is measured by its inflows of foreign investment and by the balance of its current account – not by the number of its tanks and brigades.
Inevitably, polities the world over – regions, states, countries, and multinational clubs – behave as only commercial businesses once did. They actively market themselves, their relative advantages, their history and culture, their endowments and assets, their mentality and affiliations. In short, they aggressively promote their brand names (“brands” throughout this article).
To cast countries in the role of brands implies that they act as “producers” to some “consumers” out there. But what do countries – as distinct from firms – produce? And who are the consumers enticed by said statal brand placement and regional location marketing? And how does the process of exchange take place – who gives what to whom and where?
Few governments...