Almost anywhere you reside on this planet there are small creatures, tiny insects that attack to sting or bite you, either because they see you as a threat to their very existence or as food for their survival.
Insect bite appearance is noticeable by one or more red bumps which are extremely itchy. Yes, you want to scratch it – but don’t! Easier said than done I know; problem is, scratching will exacerbate the itchiness and make it bleed.
If you have a tick, flee or a mosquito bite, they have been feeding off you; and most irksome is the thought of that nasty itchy bump left behind from a mosquito is actually full of its saliva.
Insect stings are commonly ants, bees and wasps; their sting penetrates your skin injecting poison into you.
Whilst ants and wasps will sting you several times, a bee stings once, leaving its stinger under your skin with a sac full of venom on the surface. The tendency is to panic and try to brush it off with your hand; this only serves to pump in more of the venom as will trying to remove it with your fingertips or tweezers.
Yes, it’s a bit of a shock and it hurts! Keep a cool head, slide your...