Despite the initiation of latest tools for oral hygiene such as toothpastes and mouthwashes and the advancement in dental science, number of people experience from tooth and gum related diseases these days than ever before.
We cant ignore that tooth decay is really a most prevailing disease of the modern civilization. Modern diet and refined foods, cereals, processed or synthetic foods lead to a condition of spongy and receding gums. A range of gum diseases such as pyorrhea and gingivitis are also a increase outcome of our modern living habits.
Mouthwashes and chemical-based toothpastes many time worsen the problem that they claim to correct, these are the processed and synthetic formulations such as. Dreadfully the consequences can be even more severe. Alcohol in mouthwashes is associated to both oral and throat cancer. Fluoride in toothpastes has already been linked to cancer.
The question arise that why use these toothpastes and mouthwashes, when nature has bestowed a wealth of herbs and fruit that have a exceptional consequence on oral health with absolutely no side effects. These miracles of nature are so powerful that our forefathers have used them...