Youll be surprised to know that you can whiten your teeth naturally, without the use of artificial cleansers and man-made chemicals.
In fact, in the Elizabethan era, about 400 years ago, almost everyone took care of their teeth with natural remedies.
Back then, they didnt have access to tooth gels, tooth pastes or dentists. Hence, each one was their own dentist as they took good oral care through natural remedies.
If you were rich, then a mixture of honey, vinegar, and wine was the ultimate tooth cleanser for you. Even now, you can apply this regularly and see the difference for yourself.
A few centuries ago, an old rag with salt and water was also used to whiten teeth. You might be shocked to know that in ancient times, human urine was used as a tooth whitening product!
To avoid the need of whitening your teeth you can also take preventive measures. It is seen that teeth become yellow with age.
Your diet intake also plays a major role in determining your teeth shades. Some of the things that you will want to avoid include coffee, smoking, and tea.
Although you may not realize it, one of the worst things for your teeth is chips...