Need A Mortgage? Better Get One Because They Are Going Fast… The Affordable Ones
Mortgages, probably the cheapest money in town. A mortgage is a type of loan that uses the property in which it is buying as security or collateral against the loan. Basically, a mortgage is the easiest and cheapest type of loan to get because whoever is lending you the money is really the one who is buying the house. It is not until you pay off that loan that the one actually owns his or her house.
There are many types of mortgage loans. The two basic types of amortized loans are the fixed rate mortgage (FRM) and adjustable rate mortgage (ARM)
Fixed rate mortgages are set terms that a loan is to be paid off in and at a set interest rate. This rate never changes, allowing the person taking the loan to have some peace of mind about taking it. They know that even if the mortgage interest rates rise, they will still be paying the rate at which they locked into.
Adjustable rate mortgages are still set in for a term of years but the interest fluctuates yearly based on the economy. This can be excellent if there is a period of years where the economy is prospering and...