Having someone in your home that is going to college certainly does put an extra pinch on the finances. This could make it difficult for the student as well as the parents. If you have lived in your home for a while, though, by refinancing your mortgage you could get access to your equity. This would give you a low cost loan that could pay your students way through his or her college years – and it may even allow you to reduce your monthly payment, too.
Calculate Your Equity
The equity in your home, which builds up each year you are there, could provide you with all the money you need for college expenses – and more. Depending on how long you have lived there, you may have enough to pay more than one bill for school. You can calculate your equity quickly if you know what your home is worth now, and what you have left to pay on your mortgage. Just subtract the amount you owe from the worth of the home, and then multiply by .8. This figure will actually show you 80% of your equity. If you take out more than this, you will need to pay for private mortgage insurance.
Figure Out How Much You Need
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