Steroids – anabolic steroids are often used by athletes to increase performance. However, there are a number of negative effects of steroids on human body. Not to be fooled by thinking about any perfect steroid, as there isnt any. All steroids carry some type of the side effects in one form or another.
The lower doses of the anabolic steroids are sometimes taken for treating a handful of very serious medical conditions. Steroids are often used by the body builders, athletes, sprinters, sports persons, soccer players, wrestlers, baseball players, swimmers, etc. to step up their performance.
Steroids are taken orally in form of pills, or injected with a needle and typically in intervals of weeks or months. Its important to note here that the athletes, who share needles for injecting the steroids, are at higher risk of serious infections including Hepatitis B and HIV, the AIDS virus. Steroids cannot improve the agility or skill of the athlete.
Side effects of steroids can cause the serious health problems. There are many changes that take place inside the body and may not be observed until its too late. There are many harmful effects of steroids that...