Experienced negotiators are a hard thing to find these days. Although its not easy to become a professional negotiator since it requires knowledge and experience, anyone can be a better negotiator in every field of our lives. Some rules must be adapted in order to succeed that.
Do not try to be pleasant. Its true that most people want to be pleasant and popular but this is not appropriate in negotiation process. During the negotiations you will have to say No many times and displease your opponent. If you cant accept that then let someone else do that job.
Stay focused. Chit chat is the last thing you need. Remain on your primary goals you have set and do not let the conversation go beyond that. Dont be the one who talks more. The more you talk the more your opponent will know.
You have to be prepared before the procedure. Learn everything for the other side, their financial status, older negotiation results, other deals they have done, the arguments you expect they could possibly develop.
Where the negotiations take place? This is critical. There is a debate on that. Some people believe that negotiating in your base will make you feel better and...