Many consumers are not feeling neutral about net neutrality-the idea that all content streaming in to the Internet should be treated equally.
The words “net neutrality” may sound fair enough, but what this really means is anything but neutral-if net neutrality legislation passes Congress, the companies that are developing innovative new technology for the Internet and the consumers who want to enjoy it will not be treated fairly.
Lobbyists for “net neutrality legislation” are currently asking Congress to pass a bill that will-in essence-stifle innovations such as Internet-based cable TV programming and high-speed broadband networks that are currently being developed by companies such as Verizon and AT&T.
The legislation would force Internet service providers to offer the same speed to Internet companies regardless of the content. So a big business sending out video content would be charged the same as an individual blogger using less bandwidth. It only makes sense that Internet providers be able to set prices based on bandwidth use.
Everyone else-consumers, businesses, broadband providers and the government-must pay a...