Is it possible to reprogram the brain? Can reprogramming the brain change our behavior? Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a combination of Linguistics, Semantics, Hypnosis, Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology. Its about how we interpret the world we experience via the input through our senses: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile, olfactory and gustatory. It’s about how we represent the world to ourselves and to others.
The events in our life have continually accumulated and have been stored in our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind, in turn categorizes, generalizes, interprets and filters the inputs related to the events. This process creates what is often referred to in NLP as “our map” of the world. Furthermore it is thought that the different events and experiences create “states” in our physiology that are stored by our physiology and which in turn give rise to our behavior or reaction in given situations.
It has been demonstrated how the way we interpret the world is shown through movement of the eyes. Individuals vary in the way they experience events. Some experience them kinesthetically, i.e. feelings, others...