I still remember years ago when I first started to play golf, the tip you heard the most was “keep your head still”. My father used to say it to me at least 50 times a round. He thought he was doing me a favor,when really, he should have been telling me to do the exact opposite. He should have been saying “move your head a little on the way back”.
Why move your head as you take the club back? You want to move your head because in order to swing in a circular motion you need an axis to swing around. An axis has a top and a bottom. When you set up to the golf ball, you have 1 top to an axis (your head) and 2 bottoms (your legs and feet) to an axis. This means that on the way back your head should be moving 3 – 5 inches to the right in order to create your first axis to swing around. Your head will stay there as you come down and fall even further back through impact. Then, after the ball has been hit, your head will move forward over top of the left leg to create a second axis. This second axis will allow you to complete the circular rotation in your golf swing allowing you to finish your swing. So what you have is a floating top to...