New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 2 )
Sometimes, the simplest things can be the most profound. So it was on this beautiful morning in June. It was almost like any other morning in summer except for the peculiarity of the sunlight in my backyard. The rays of light streaming through the outstretched branches seemed to take on a special hue. An otherworldly glow from these reflections set the tone for the day. What a glorious morning, I thought, as I made preparations to take my wife, Mardai,to the hospital again.
It had been slightly over two years that Mardai, only in her thirties, had been battling cancer. There were many things we were planning for the years ahead. The strain and stress of the disease had taken its toll on the two of us, as well as the other members of the family. There had been a time when we faced life bravely and took no thought for the pitfalls that might lie in our way.
It is my belief that one can become accustomed to anything.Thus it was with our continuing fight with the disease. Over the years the cancer had shown signs of retreating, only to return with a vengeance a short while later. Since Mardai...