New Cause of High Blood Pressure Revealed; Expecting Logical Behavior
A new study in The New England Journal Of Medicine reveals that one of the principal causes of high-blood pressure in the contemporary world is logical thinking.
A researcher commented on the surprise finding, saying, Look its basically an illogical world out there. So the more you try to deal with it logically, the more upset youre bound to become and up shoots your blood pressure. We found that, when we convince patients to give up interfacing with the world with the expectations that logical thinking sets up, they immediately become far more relaxed and, as a result, their blood pressure drops, often returning to normal levels.
When asked if there might be other undiscovered factors that contribute to high blood pressure, he said, Oh, absolutely. For instance, weve got a study in the works right now on that insidious culprit, sensitivity.
Sensitivity? we asked.
Yes, he went on, You see the modern world, especially as we interface with it through the mass media and frequently in corporate life, appears wildly insensitive to our individual wishes, so the more sensitive you...