According to the statistics the American Citizens carry an average of seven Credit Cards and some of them use 12-15 cards. The Statistics also indicates that 70% of American Citizens payoff these debts after 90 days. This can be described as gambling on future prosperity-speculations tempted by plastic money illusions i.e. Credit Cards; This is mainly due to the lack of alternate options. The money needed to meet their desired expenses is in short supply. The fixed income earners always have a trying time to strike a balance between earnings and expenses. Their income is static while expenses tend to jump, mostly jump upwards unpredictably.
At this point of time of a year ending many will eco even silently with a momentary relief What a difficult year that is almost over? Where has all that money, earned by working hard, gone? Any pennies left? Still more bills are there to settle and what a struggle it was every month? Well, you too may be thinking like that? If not then you are one of the rare breed of the lucky few or else, you are probably not a fixed income earner.
It is mostly the monthly fixed income earners who feel this way and to them the next year too...