The Frog and The Peach was established over twenty years ago and is known for its high-quality American cuisine and comfortable atmosphere. “Early on I saw a need to build a database of my frequent customers. Says Elizabeth Alger, owner of The Frog and The Peach restaurant in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
We utilized a custom-made database to gather information and to process our birthday and anniversary mailings. The problem was that we were gathering all sorts of information, contact information including email address as well
as dining habits of our guests, but never had a way to truly manage or use the information. By switching to the marketing software and by working closely with
my own personal marketing coach, we are now building a database that is easy to use and is a useful tool for implementing and tracking marketing campaigns,”
adds Alger. “My marketing coach has been a real saint-he is patient and knowledgeable. I know my particular market and I have a sense of which of the many marketing strategies is appropriate for my restaurant. My coach respects my perspective;he listens to what I have to say and then takes my ideas and...