New Years Resolutions Again? Top Ten Ways To Make A Great 2008
New Years Day is around the corner and the inevitable question looms: what are your new years resolutions for 2008? These suggestions, accommodated by some online offerings, are a helpful way to incorporate changes into your daily lifestyle to make a great 2008.
Top 10 New Years Resolutions
1. Stay in Touch with Friends and Family
Are you feeling guilty because your mailbox was full of holiday greeting cards from friends and family and you only had time to send them to a small smattering of relatives, including your grandmother and your favorite aunt? Get the year off to a good start by beginning a new tradition of sending New Year e-cards. Everyone will be happy to get some post-Christmas cheering up and a fun update on you and your family.
2. Spend More Time with Friends
Spend less of your week doing time-consuming, tedious errands; instead, take some time this year to relieve yourself of lifes hustle-bustle. Invite your friends or co-workers to join you for a lunchtime walk, a yoga class after work, or a girls night out by sending an online invitation from...