Hey, as business owners we CAN’T be all things for all customers. I mean it would be fantastic if we could, however, you just can’t meet the needs and wants of everyone, you would run yourself ragged trying :
BUT … that doesn’t mean you throw your hands up in despair and give up ;o) Stick with me for a few minutes and we’ll go over a few ideas that come to mind and see if they get your creative juices flowing.
Firstly, what the heck is a “Niche” anyway?? I mean I am sure you have seen the word flying around the Internet and a lot more lately. You’ve seen newsletter articles and email letters from some of the top guru’s now sprouting “Niche” as the new “catch” word of the time.
The term is NOT NEW. Basically a “niche” is finding a specific target market and catering to their specific wants and needs.
Ummm let me give you an example…
As a marketing coach/consultant my business is providing a service “marketing” to businesses. Now obviously the business arena is too general so what I want to do is break it down into bite size sectors...