Avoid numbers in your domain name unless it is part of your business name. If your business is called 1-hour Photo, it is perfectly normal to have the number one in your domain name. In case you had to have the chocolate.com domain name, but it was not longer available, please dont register chocolate847.com. Unless, you have a great reason to have a number in your domain name avoid it. A great idea for domain names with numbers is when your phone number is your domain.
If you dont want to have your phone number as your domain name by itself, you could combine it with your company name. It is possible to have your toll free number as your domain name. Before you commit to a toll free number, check with a domain registrar to make sure the domain name is still available. Your phone company usually gives you 5 or more toll free numbers to chose from, so if the first number is not available ask for another one.
Including a number within your domain name may create problems, as when you tell your customer your web address, you will always have to tell them it’s a number and not the word. For instance, if you have chosen a domain name such as...