Numerology and Stress free Life
Stress affects our mind, and our mind affects our body. Extreme stress leads to changes in our body chemistry and alters our mental, physical and energy levels. The result is psycho somatic illnesses. Using numerology we can calculate our stress numbers. If we know this stress number we will be able to avoid major obstacles and illnesses. Stress number gives us a clue to the part of our body subjected to dis ease. It also prevents us from making repeated mistakes. Stress numbers delay our progress and drain our energy.
If the stress numbers appear constantly in our lives, it is a sign of up coming disturbances or something we are already going through. If we live in a house which is equal to our stress number we will not be able to experience peace of mind. Let`s say your unit number is 13-42, we add all the digits together till we derive at a single digit. 1+3+4+2=10 and again we add 1+0= 1. The final digit of our house unit number is 1. If 1 is your stress number (calculations shown below) you will experience mental stress in the home. If 2 is your stress number mind will not be at rest causing frequent worries....