Over the past years, there is a significant in the number of students who are taking up the course that leads to become nurses. In fact, nearly 100,000 vacant slots for nurses have been reported in 2005. And since America needs healthcare services, 100,000 are very big number and needs to be responded immediately.
Yes, the government has made international call for help. This results to the influx of nurses from all over the world especially from the Philippines and India. But then, we cannot say that it is enough. The country should not always be taken cared of by others. It should be taken cared of their very citizen.
However, as nationalistic as it may sound, the fact still remains that very few Americans are taking this problem seriously and very few Americans dont like the idea of working at the hospital unless they are doctors.
As a good response, institutions and other local governments have supported the call for the promotion of nurses are a good profession. And one way to do that is by offering several types of nursing scholarships all across the country.
Nursing scholarship is not different from other types of scholarship. Before the...