Ever thought of Nursing as your occupation? Taking care of the elderly, playing with children, consoling a sick person, being there for someone when they’re on their death bed? These are some of the things that you would do being a nurse. The bond that builds up between the patient and his caretaker – the nurse, is something to be cherished. The patient becomes dependent on you, and as long as he is under your care, you become his guardian angel.
Many people also go for nursing as their second career. To become a qualified nurse, you have to take nursing education from any recognized nursing school or nursing college. Nurse education is just like any other education, where you would be taught and prepared for nursing care. The students will be given lessons on various health education and medicines by qualified doctors, experienced nurses, and educators. Almost everywhere around the world the basic courses are similar; like general nursing, mental health nursing, and taking care of sick children. The courses are usually three years long.
Nursing is taught in nursing schools. You can also get a post graduate qualification in any specialist subject...