Do not make the mistake of treating the Internet as if it is simply an advertising medium. The Web has more in common with the telephone than print. Peter DeLegge
The Internet is a means that many use to communicate everyday. Unlike the phone, the Internet ads a visual sense of communication and allows for the spread of consumer-based information. Because the premise of the Internet is communication website owners need to ensure a level of interactivity with visitors.
Your Internet business strategy should be an extension of your company’s existing business strategy and well-integrated with everything your company does off-line. Peter DeLegge
Websites do not need to be somehow set apart from the functions of brick and mortar stores. The very things you do in-store should also be reflected online. Some netrepreneurs believe that an online store needs to be different from their storefront. You will be better served if you make the web an extension of your show room with the added bonus of client connectivity on both fronts.
Most corporate Web sites are horrible about responding to email inquiries, don’t let yours be one. Peter...