Obtaining A Credit Card – With A Less Than Perfect Credit History
If you have had difficulty keeping up with your bills, you can rest assured you are not alone. Many people have run into trouble or a shortage of cash flow from time to time that has resulted in the inability to make all of their payments in full and on time. However, just because you dont have a perfect credit history does not necessarily mean that you will be unable to obtain a credit card. Its no surprise that a person with a low credit score will have more difficulty and less options when trying to get a credit card in their name, but it is not completely impossible because creditors do take more than just your credit score into consideration when deciding whether or not to give you a credit card. The important thing to remember is you do not want to apply for every credit card out there- every time you apply for a credit card, you are further hurting your credit rating. When you have a low credit score and a poor credit history, you need to do your research before you start applying, and only apply to the handful of credit cards that are designed for individuals with a less than perfect credit...