Bankruptcy is the process you have to go through to begin again. The first and important item is to rebuild you credit rating. It is necessary to know how long your bankruptcy will appear on your credit report. The bankruptcy will be on your credit report for about 10 years. Although this sounds bad, it only takes about eighteen months of on time payments to your creditors to re-establish your credit. Just remember, it is possible to get good credit ratings after a bankruptcy.
To help your credit ratings you need to get a job, fulltime or part-time, it doesnt matter. Another way to help your credit ratings is to get various copies of your credit report. Go over them in great detail to make sure that they are correct. You need to get rid of most of your credit cards. It is advisable to have only one or two. If you dont have a credit card, try to get one from a local bank or store. If you cant get a regular card, try to get a secured card.
Now you are on your way to re-establishing your credit, consider these ideas to help you stay on top. Keep open communication with your creditors. If they are advised of your current status they may have helpful ideas...