It begins as an idea. Once fully developed, the idea takes on a life that has roots in marketing, research, customer service and personal vision while wrapped in a unique blanket of promise.
The growth of the entrepreneurial spirit has much to do with creativity. The following quote is not attributable to any author, but certainly goes to the heart of being a pioneer in business; Visionary people are visionary partly because of the very great many things they don’t see.
A visionary doesnt see the obstacles. They refuse to be deterred by issues others see as stop signs. Visionaries move forward because they have a dream and cant seem to hear those who are calling for their demise from the sidelines.
The story is told of two frogs that fell into a well. The other frogs came to the edge of the well and saw the futility of the effort to jump from the depths of the abyss. The free frogs told the two frogs to simply accept their fate and die. One frog slumped to the side of the well and eventually died while the other frog kept jumping. The frog eventually jumped high enough to clear the top of the well. When the other frogs asked why he kept jumping when...