I know, I know You must be thinking that Im crazy, suggesting to offer your business consulting for free. Well, after you hear me out, you would think its a brilliant idea.
We know that your business is consultancy so why offer it for free? How can you get money out of handing out free consulting services? Your business then would no longer be a business but would become a charity, right? Wrong.
What Im talking about here is giving out free consultancy as a teaser, a free taste or free sample, so to speak. People dont just buy new products from a stranger without testing the product first. You are not yet well-known in the business, so nobody would invest in you.
Nobody invests in something that is not reliable to generate good results. Unless you are backed by someone very famous and reliable, you are not going to get clients for your business.
By providing free consultancies, you are giving them a taste of what it is like to have you as a consultant. You are not going to hand them everything you have got in a silver platter. No, thats not what I am saying. It just about giving them a free sample-a small sachet of your service. It is a very good way...