Each year Ohio Schools issue an end of the year report announcing the board approved priorities for the next academic year. The number one priority on the 2006-2007 End of Year Report for Ohio Schools was Educator Quality. According to the report, the board and administrators feel that the recruitment, professional development, and retainment of high quality teachers are critical to a schools success. Thats not a statement that anyone is likely to debate. So the really question is: what are the Ohio Schools doing to address this concern?
With a huge diversity of urban districts, from Columbus to Cincinnati, Ohio Schools are challenged to meet national standards and find quality educators to help do that. Columbus is a great example of how Ohio Schools are facing significant obstacles: they have a 30% mobility rate among their 11,000 students. Finding good teachers willing to teacher in high-risk schools is always a problem. Here are some of the solutions the Ohio Schools Board of Education intends to try.
A federally funded Troops to Teachers program gives retired and separated military personnel a stipend to obtain certification. Ohio Schools...