As old-earth creationists, what should our relationship be with the young-earth creationist? Can we get along together, in the same churches, without arguing?
As you can imagine, a lot of the email that Answers In Creation receives is from the young-earth person who takes issue with our position. They range from sincere to hostile; some agreeing to disagree, others flat out demanding that we delete the website. What should be the old-earth response to these demands?
Despite such negative reactions from young earth creationists, it is not only possibleit is imperative that we get along. We should be able to sit right beside each other in church and worship God together. We should agree to disagree, and have healthy discussions about our Creator.
The First Step
Our starting point for both old and young earth believers should always be one of humility and charity. The first step should always be prayer. Not only do I pray for the continued success of young-earth ministries, but I urge all my fellow old-earth believers to do the same. I dont pray that people convert from young-earth belief to old-earth beliefthat is not the purpose of Answers In...