On Demand Printing The Latest Printing Capabilities To Hit The Market
On demand printing is a form of just-in-time program management. The term on demand printing refers to the idea of printing documents only when they are needed, as opposite to printing large quantities of documents and storing them on a shelf until they are needed. However, many people think that on demand printing is the same as with digital printing, but there are some important differences. On demand printing or basically known as print on demand (POD) it is a process that supports the creation of printed matter.
Print on demand (POD) provides:
What the customer wants (content in the appropriate form)
When the customer wants it (as needed)
Where the customer wants it (at or near the point of use)
In some other way, print on demand involves processing information in digital form with the primary objective of producing printed documents, in optimal quantities, at the end point of use, within the shortest possible timeframe, with content that is selectively targeted or customized for the recipient.
It is good to think that on demand printing is a process not a...