On Ebay Aida Is More Than An Opera By Verdi
Ask most people what Aida is and they will tell you it is an opera set in Egypt. Ask a marketing person and they will tell you that it is the sales formula that all advertising must incorporate if it is to succeed.The letters stand for:
A Attention
I Interest
D Desire
A Action
It is a formula that can also help you write better ebay auction listings.
It does not matter how well your description is written, how good your product is or what terrific value it represents if no one knows about it. So how do you grab peoples attention
and get them to read your listing?
We know that the majority of potential bidders will start by going to eBays search engine.
So the important thing is to get as many key words or phrases that they might use into your title. If I am looking for a Rolex Oyster wristwatch I might type in Rolex, Oyster or wristwatch
into the search engine. If you have a Rolex Oyster Wrist Watch for sale at 25 I will not even find it if your listing title is something like Amazing Value Top of the Range Quality Watch
The secret is to think like a...