On-line Booking – Is It A Possibility For Disabled Travelers?
Nobody is ambivalent about the internet. Some folks claim it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, while others blame it for the downfall of modern society. Regardless of your feelings about the internet, it’s a great tool for travel junkies. But is on-line booking a realistic option for wheelchair-users? Is it really the best way to get a good deal? The answer is a conditional yes. In reality there isn’t a one-click method; but you can use the internet to save money and to ensure appropriate access.
Let’s start with airfares. Airline websites and travel portals are the best places to book air tickets on-line if you have access needs. Shop around, find the best fare, then book on-line. Most of the major websites even have places on their booking forms to specify your access needs, such as wheelchair-assistance, accessible seating or an on-board wheelchair. After you’ve made your reservation, call the airline to make sure your access requests are noted.
It’s a pretty easy process, however there is one type of website you need to avoid – the...