One Day There Will Be Just As Many People Working At Home As In An Office
What makes working at home so appealing? Did you know that the United States census bureau has stated that one in every two homes by the year 2010 will have a home business? That is an astounding amount of people working from home. What is the reason for people wanting to change from working in an office to working from home?
One reason may be time spent on the road. The census bureau has stated that a person spends an average of one hundred hours a year driving to and from work. These are precious hours that could be spent at home with your family, friends or even spent volunteering. When you work out of an office in your home, the commute in the morning is however long it takes you to get from your kitchen to your office assuming you need that morning cup of
With the constant rising cost of gas if you have a long commute every day you may have to ask yourself if it is worth it. Add up the cost you spend every month on gas and parking. In some cities the price of a parking space downtown can cost you hundreds of dollars a month. So what percentage of your...