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Online Games Sector
The Internet is the fastest-growing market in the history of the WORLD, but just this one sector has been growing FOUR TIMES FASTER than the Internet overall. People arent just using the web for information anymore; they now see it as a prime deliverer of entertainment. Its even eating into TV-viewing figures, and therefore also TV advertising revenue. Meanwhile, in-game advertising is predicted to grow by 70% year-on-year, to be worth USD billions in three years. Its no wonder that TV companies are scrambling for a piece of online games real estate buying companies, launching games platforms, and putting their content online in interactive form.
The potential reach of the Internet is staggering. With broadband (and therefore quicker web access) reaching ever more homes and Internet cafs, the popularity of live interaction with other people online is exploding.
The speed of people’s home Internet connections is driving this market. In America, nearly 75% of Internet users had broadband at home last year, up from 57% just one year earlierand Internet users in India increased...