From the warm climbs of Mexico City, Mexico to the cooler lands of Calgary, Alberta businesses are using the Internet to advance their business models and successes. The Internet is a unique resource for creation of sales leads and connecting with customers, called B2C sales, and other businesses, B2B sales, all around the world. As an owner, or web developer, for a company there are many things that can be done on your website to help generate business leads and bring customers and business to your site and through the site to your company. Some of these methods are as follows:
Use of auto responders
Generation of free reports
Offerings included in, or just after, registration forms
Creation of opt in mailing lists
Business to business referrals
Many of these methods tie closely together as can be seen by taking each in more detail.
Autoresponders are software packages that are created to automatically respond to input from any customer, fellow business owner or otherwise. The job of the autoresponder can be as simple as acknowledging receipt of information from the user and providing future contact...