It is so common these days for people to fill out an online credit card application, that most people do not think twice about providing their personal information over the internet. But applying for a credit card is serious business. You could get into trouble by offering incorrect or incomplete information. And worse, you could sign up for what you think is a low apr credit card and end up being charged exorbitant interest with no recourse.
When you go online to check out credit card offers, you will find a myriad of deals to choose from. Narrow your search terms down to criteria that is important to you, such as low interest, introductory interest free period, long grace period, reward program, airline mile rewards, or cash back credit cards. When you find an offer that meets your needs, you should be able to fill out the online credit card application right away. However, before you proceed, there are some things to keep in mind.
Be sure to read all the fine print. Unfortunately, some companies will not make this easy for you. Most online forms, just like standard applications, have the details of limitations or increasing rates in fine print at the bottom of...