Place a limit on the money that you can afford to lose. Set aside this amount of money in advance. When you do this, you wont lose track of how much youve lost and will be able to control what you have. The last thing you want to do is to start taking money out of your savings account or any other place you have it. Only gamble money that you can afford to lose, meaning if you lost that amount of money, your financial situation would still be secure. You must pace yourself. Dont bet all your money at once, this is very dangerous as the odds are always in favor of the house. Lets say you put aside $100 to gamble with. Of that $100 place small bets such as $2 or $4 on a single bet. Just imagine if you lost the entire $100 dollars on one bet, you would be forced to quit so soon. Pace yourself, there is no rush.
Another important aspect of money management and being wise about your money is to NEVER borrow money. This is not safe and even if you think you will get that money back on the next bet, dont do it. This is a horrible habit to start. You can easily lose control and spiral into a pile of debt. This is where it turns from enjoyment into disaster. Take what Im saying...