If you are looking for a great way to make money from the comfort of your own home and you do not have a lot of money to start with, I would like to suggest to you an investment you probably have never heard of before. It is the largest and oldest financial market in the world, yet it is relatively unfamiliar to most people. Until just a few short years ago, it was primarily the domain of huge financial institutions and multinational corporations. Thanks to the internet, it is now possible for the average investor to get involved.
So what is this market opportunity i am suggesting? It is called Forex, and stands for foreign currency exchange. It is a market in which one country’s currency is traded against another. But it is a purely speculative market. No physical exchange of currencies ever take place. It is totally different from common markets like stocks and futures and does not take place on a regulated exchange.
In the U.S., Forex is traded around the clock between Sunday evening and Friday evening. This makes it a perfect part time business as you can pick your own hours to trade. It has a daily trading volume of over one and a half...