Online poker has become incredibly popular over the past several years and it looks as if it will continue to do so. However, despite its worldwide popularity there are a lot of questions people have about online poker and would like to know the answers before they start betting their hard earned money online. Fortunately, there are answers to these questions. Just continue to read and you should find the answer to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding online poker and gambling on the Internet.
FAQ #1 What is Online Poker?
First and foremost, individuals are unsure what online poker actually is. Basically, online poker is just like playing poker with your friends or at a casino and the cards are dealt automatically by the computer. This means no dealer mistakes! You must download software from a gambling site to play online poker and most of them have the appearance of a virtual room of gamblers playing poker. Each persons screen name is denoted on their seat or at the table. So, it is as if you are playing with a group of friends, but on your computer screen. You can also place bets and pay in or receive payments through a variety of payment...