The internet opened up online stock trading in the mid ’90s with E-Trade and Ameritrade, and most of the small investor friendly brokerage houses eventually followed suit with a similar service. This allowed a lot of smaller investors to get into active stock trading low cost accounts let investors with only a few hundred dollars get into the market.
However, there’s still a learning curve, and as it’s investing with your money, making that learning curve easier to deal with is important. Getting up to speed quickly helps improve your return on time invested in investing.
First, decide what time horizon you’re investing for. A long time horizon is “buy and hold” you’re expecting the value of the stock to increase over time, or you’re expecting dividends to earn out in your favor. A short time horizon means you’re looking for sharp, immediate gains. Different people have different levels of acceptable risk and temperaments; for some, the adrenaline rush of a buy-and-sell strategy is a drug. For others, the security of buying stocks for the long term allows them to plan.
In the long run, the...