I’ve only recently been introduced to OPC nutritional supplements. They’ve been around for over 50 years – why haven’t I heard of them before? From what I’ve been reading, they sound like the next great frontier in anti-aging nutritional supplements.
If you are new to OPCs, here is a brief synopsis: OPC stands for oligomeric proanthocyanidins and is a molecular compound that is extracted from pine bark and grape seeds. Jacques Masquelier from France received the patent for the pine bark extraction in 1951 and then from grape seeds in 1970. In 1985, he got a US patent for his OPC.
Why should you care about the history of OPCs? Because whenever a good thing is discovered, there are always new products developed that claim to be the same thing, but really aren’t. More about that later.
As expected with any research on nutritional supplements, there are widely conflicting reports on what OPCs can do. Here is a list of some of the claims I read:
Prevents heart attacks and strokes
Strengthens capillary walls
Reduces varicose veins
Relieves leg cramps & pains
Protects smokers from...