Do you depend on your credit cards to meet your monthly expenses? Do you only ever pay the minimum monthly amount on your credit card bills? Are you unsure of how much debt you are carrying? If you have answered yes to these questions there is a very good possibility that you are carrying too much debt.
If you do believe you are carrying too much debt you can get help from one of any number of large agencies that offer consumer debt consolidation advice free of charge. One other option for consolidating your debt is your local bank. When you consolidate your debts you roll them into one payment which is lower than the combined payments of all your credit cards and loans.
When you contact a representative from an agency to help you consolidate and reduce your debt, they will ask you for certain information, such as what debts you have, how much your outstanding balance is and how much your monthly payments are for each. When giving this information do not forget to include any back taxes, outstanding medical bills, overdraft charges and any other unsecured debt.
After you have gathered up all this information you will be asked about your income and...