Credit cards are not difficult to get today. You can apply and be approved online, through the mail and even at the cash register. Most people have at least one credit card and it is probably more common than not to find that most people have multiple credit cards. With the increase in credit cards, though, more and more people are finding it difficult to pay more than the minimum monthly payment. If this sounds familiar and resembles your situation, you may have considered credit card debt consolidation.. This is a step in the right direction and there are a few ways to accomplish this.
A common way today is to simply transfer all of your credit card balances onto one credit card with a lower interest rate. This is probably the easiest way to consolidate your credit cards. You can take advantage of introductory rates many companies offer, often rates as low as 0% APR. First, be aware of any transfer fee which can go as high as $75.00 per transfer. Second, you must confirm that the total amounts you will transfer are not more than the credit available on the card to which you are transferring the outstanding balances. Third, pay attention to the promotion periods. The...