With all the talk about organic search engine optimization and how important it is to promoting a web site, some web masters are deluded into thinking that they have no hope of competing without the help of a search engine optimization professional. With no money to spend, these web masters just bemoan their helplessness and learn to live with the fact that their web sites will always be at the bottom of search engine results.
While paying an organic search engine optimization professional may indeed give a web site an enormous boost in page ranking, this does not mean that there is no other option left to the web master with no funds to hire one. There are lots of things in web site building and design that are commonly neglected when these details could have made a big difference in search engine rankings.
Begin at the basics: file naming and page title
The web site is a mine of opportunity to improve page ranking. A web master may not neglect to include keywords in the meta-tags and in the web content but has due consideration been given to the other elements of the web site?
One case in point is file naming. When the web site names the web...