Everybody knows that the way we think determines the outcome. If your thoughts are like I cant write more articles then I do already, you probable wont succeed. If you change your thoughts into I will write more articles then I already do, you will achieve that goal. Perhaps its only one article more then expected, but you did more then you wanted. If you believe in yourself you will succeed at the end.
But before you reach that end you have to organize the thoughts in your head. There are two main thoughts, negative and positive. For every negative one you can find an opposite more positive thought. For example if you take a half filled glass with water you can think this glass is half empty. This is a more negative thought. If you approach it with the thought of this glass is half full then you think positive. There hasnt been a change with the amount of water. Just your thinking changed. It takes time and effort to make those changes.
At first you are on the level of unawareness incompetence. We act without thinking. If we want changes to be made we have to learn to use those positive affirmations. We now are one step higher called the awareness of...