Did you ever sit down with your family to plan your next vacation and then realize that you just couldnt find that special somewhere where the parents and the kids, and perhaps another relative or 2, could all find something interesting to do?
And on top of that, maybe youve been to all the interesting places within your travel budget anyway? Well then you probably havent been to Orlando, Florida. Otherwise youd realize that even Orlando V-Vs (Vacation Veterans) can always find something to see and do in Orlando that they didnt do the last time they were here, or even the time before that.
Ive long wondered what it is about Orlando that draws so many people to this, the sixth largest city in Florida. Well, a city of less than 200,000 people that draws about 52,000,000 (yes, Million!) tourists a year must be doing something right.
Its almost an understatement to say that the good people of the city want to give you the chance to see and do something new and fun (or even something old and fun, because many of the citys attractions do bear repeated visits).
This attitude, and the countless opportunities for the fun-loving and health-loving and...