4:38 PM 5/29/2006
By Lucien Beauley
Article Word Count: 556
At the turn of the 20TH century and in the throws of our industrial revolution, frontier families began losing much of their precious time…much family time. This was primarily due to the increased need for the wife to earn some of the household expenses in order to purchase the new luxuries of this industry growth. After all, electricity had just been introduced, along with the automobile. Most of them felt they could have a piece of it if they worked a little harder. Consequently, the traditional chores of food preparation became lax. Lost were the full day long meal preparations of their recent past. As this leap in industry growth gave them the new luxuries, it also lessened the quality of “their daily meals”.
In order to even try to explain the exact transition from the fully home prepared family meal to what would eventually become prepared by companies who would specialise in only doing this would take more than just a few paragraphs. It took the electric refrigerator/freezer, the gas and electric stove along with the microwave oven , which came much later to spur...