Let me guess. You’re getting that restless feeling. It’s been a long, hot summer already, and OOPs! Here it is mid July and summer will be over before we can invite the in-laws over for the traditional summer barbeque. Let’s get out of this house, out of this neighborhood, and let’s take a vacation!
But where? Let’s see… There’s always the beach. Yeh, the beach with the big crowds, the glaring sun, the gritty sand. And I do get tired really fast just lying around in the sun or the shade with an occasional dip in the waves.
Of course some of you rise up in unison to protest this scene of the beach. There are some gorgeous beaches and there are lots and lots of things to do.
And ALSO you will find lots and lots of truly exciting, engaging activities in the mountains of Colorado, and Ouray, Colorado, is one of the best, in my humble opinion. My wife and I just returned from a great 3-day 3-night stay. We took the inexpensive route this time. We pulled our little camping trailor into the KOA Kampground, set it up on the grass with a hill and trees to the west, and that was home for the next 3 nights. And...